iPhone repair Kokura
Those who are looking for repair shops in Kokura, Kitakyushu. Please contact us!
We still have strong winds here in Kitakyushu due to the storm.
It didn’t go to Fukuoka but it delayed the time scheduls of JR Kagoshima line with strong winds and made it chaotic.
It caused big power shortage. Some people were forced to stay in Shinkansen. How horrible!
We SMAPPLE Kitakyushu Kokura branch in Kokura Kitaku Uomachi opens in such desasterous situation.
In this time, I’d like to introduce you one customer who threw his phone in the air when he tripped over.
The broken iPhone7 is here.
Before repair
Ouch! Cracks all over the screen.
No touch sensor around these cracks.
He got to do something immediately.
The picture after 30min I started repairing.
After repair
It looks like brand new one!
Of course, we double checked the functions. Touch sensor and screen had no problem. He were really satisfied with it.
It is 3min walk from Kokura sta.
We SMAPPLE Kitakyushu Kokura branch return your phone with data as it was. Only 15min to repair.
We can handle iPhone5~7plus and have their parts too.
We offer the cheapest fee and free of repair work.
Price list (As of October 27,2017)
Screen Cracks
The battery lasts within a day
The doc connector doesn’t work.
On talking, no talker’s voice from the speaker
No focus of the camera
And so on. Please contact us if you have any problems.
We issue 3 month warrant after repair just in case.
We rapair not only iPhone but iPad serries and Nintendo 3DS too. Just call now!
You can make appointments 24/7 on line. No worries if you are too busy to call.
Still you can visit us without appointments.
※Online appointment is Japanese only.
Here we are SMAPPLE Kitakyushu Kokura branch in Kokura Kitaku Uomachi.
SMAPPLE Kitakyushu Kokura
Adress:2F NU Nagata building 2-1-2
Uomachi Kokurakitaku Kitakyusyu Fukuoka
店舗名 | スマップル北九州小倉店 |
営業時間 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 |
TEL | 093-533-0571 |
住所 | 〒802-0006 福岡県北九州市小倉北区魚町2丁目1-2 NU永田ビル2階 |
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